“Why waste your money to study your family tree? Just go into politics and your opponents will do it for you free.” -Mark Twain
I really want to see some people in leadership positions especially public service, not because I don’t think they will fare well but because they seem to have the solutions to all problems particularly in writing.
They see the loophole in every policy or solution and this habit has, knowingly or unknowingly, morphed into the never-see-good attitude. They didn’t actually or openly profess knowing everything but their spin suggests so.
Nothing humbles most critics like public service. They either choose sheer populism or face the reality or challenges that come with purposeful leadership amidst competing demands, meagre resources and tough decisions which are often times unpopular. With the latter, they get more kicks than halfpence.
As it is true with an onlooker who sees most of the game, their opinions are birthed from the outside on the premise of poor exposure and little information which invariably make them see complex and daunting challenges as simple and straightforward.
We may find ourselves opposing some opinions or fatwas we hold so dear today in the future when we are eventually called to serve the people. I may have learnt moderation in opinion formulation from the Pantami’s exhumed videos but left to me, I am not surprised or finding anything strange in his videos since fatwas or opinions could change due to contexts or circumstances. People learn from exposure, old age or new knowledge.
Anyway, if you are called to serve the people, don’t hesitate to oblige. However, be ready to get your fair share of kicks and past opinions unearthed.
– Abubakar Suleiman
August 8, 2024.