The Senate of the Federal University Dutse at its 66th extraordinary meeting on Thursday 24th of October,2024 elected Professor Ahmad Mohammed Gumel as the new Deputy Vice-Chancellor Central Administration of the University.
He is expected to take over from the outgoing DVC Central Administration, Professor Abdulsalam Balarebe Suleiman whose tenure will expire on the 17th of November, 2024. As part of the University tradition, the appointment is subject to the ratification of the Governing Council at their next meeting.
Professor Gumel is an Alumnus of University Malaya in Malaysia, where he received Master of Biotechnology and Ph.D. in Industrial Biotechnology with specialization Biocatalysis and Bioprocess technology in 2009 and 2013, respectively. Prof. Gumel is a registered Biotechnologist, a board member of International Institute of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, member Nigeria Society for Biotechnology, member European Federation of Biotechnology, member Asian Federation of Biotechnology, member Society for Biological Engineering USA, member Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society.
Prof. Gumel is a research consultant to Alpha Sights, 58 Davies Street, London, W1K 5JF, United Kingdom. He has been a top notch reviewer and a board member of several international peer reviewed journals.
A well published academic at both national and international level, with over 1260 citations, h-index of 18 and i10-index of 23 as evident from his Google scholar citations page and Thomson Reuters Web of Science Researcher ID page.
Federal University Dutse, Nigeria 2015 – PRESENT (Professor)
• Coordinate and supervised all departmental academic and Administrative activity
• Teachingat both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Levels
• Research Planning and Execution.
University of Malaya, Malaysia, 2014 – 2015 (Senior Lecturer)
• Experimental design and implementation
• Data analyses and Research Publication
• Teaching postgraduate courses in Plant Biotechnology, and Research Methodology course for Masters and PhD candidates.
University of Malaya, Malaysia October, 2011 – 2014 (Research Assistant/ Research Fellow)
• Experimental design and implementation
• Qualitative data analyses by TLC, GC, GCMSMS, DSC, TGA, OPM, SEM, TEM, FT-IR, NMR and 3D optical surface texture analysis using Alicona Infinite focusTM
• Manuscript development and Research publication.
• Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor, Khadija University Majia
• Council Member, Federal University Dutse
• Dean of Students’ Affairs
• Senate Member, Federal University Dutse
• Senate Representative at Student Disciplinary Committee.
• HoD Microbiology & Biotechnology
• Acting HoD
• Level Coordinator for Biotechnology Level 200
• Departmental Postgraduate Coordinator
Deputy Director, Information, News and Current Affairs
Federal university Dutse