
Inuwa Yahaya: Celebrating a great leader at 63

Greatness is not noisy, this I learnt from my principal, Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, CON the Governor of Gombe State, a man of very modest mien, magnificent in achievements and yet without an iota of braggadocio.

Today, October, 9, as usual, many friends, associates and well- wishers will be wishing His Excellency a happy birthday. But not many know the deposits of virtues embedded in my Principal. Let me seize the occasion of your birthday, Your Excellency, to share the joy of working with an enigmatic mentor and teacher like you. No one will ever remain a mediocre again in life, after sharing times and moments with you.

Governor Inuwa Yahaya embodies a rare combination of intellect, influence and humility- so humble in demeanor, disciplined with maturity, and outstanding in achievements.

Despite holding the most powerful office in the state, he maintains an air of simplicity and modesty that is both refreshing and admirable. When you step into His Excellency’s personal residence, you would never guess that it belongs to a sitting governor. There are no tell-tale signs of power—no flags, no portraits, and no insignia to display his position. It’s a home that could belong to any successful individual, unassuming yet comfortable. Even more telling is the absence of any ostentatious display of wealth. In a country where political leaders are often associated with lavish lifestyles and fleets of luxury cars, Governor Inuwa Yahaya’s residence stands in contrast, his children too.

This humble approach to life extends to his leadership style. The Dan Majen Gombe doesn’t need to wear the trappings of power to assert his authority. His influence is felt through his actions, not his surroundings. His leadership is rooted in service, accessibility, and a profound sense of responsibility to his people, making him a rare breed among leaders today.

Working with Governor Inuwa Yahaya means that there’s no room for complacency. His sharp focus on the task at hand drives everyone involved to deliver at their best. His attention is so attuned to the work that you often feel his presence even when he’s not physically around. Under his leadership, there’s a silent but powerful expectation of efficiency, as his commitment leaves no space for sloppiness or half-hearted efforts.

His calm and composed nature makes him a leader who doesn’t rely on an overwhelming presence to command respect. He speaks sparingly, but when he does, every word is deliberate, clear, and loaded with purpose. His ability to articulate his thoughts with precision ensures that you understand exactly what he expects without any ambiguity. His commitment to respecting time and schedules sets him apart as a leader who values both his time and the time of others.

When it comes to core governance matters, Inuwa Yahaya has no tolerance for subpar results. He becomes an architect of precision, carefully scrutinizing every aspect. He takes you to the drawing board, leading the process from the foundation to the finish, bringing his team together for thorough deliberation. If a project doesn’t offer tangible benefits to significantly improve people’s lives, it won’t gain his support. You’d better come well-prepared with thoughtful answers, as his questions will push you to think far beyond your usual scope.

With this kind of mindset, you will not find a government appointee in Gombe with a tabula rasa head. When you see your Governor working extra hours to achieve his targets, you cannot but be up and doing on a daily basis. This attitude infused in me and many other state appointees has redefined the development landscape of Gombe state, the Jewel in the Savannah.
The remarkable result, posted by Gombe state which is fast becoming first in many development indices, is the brainchild of a man of vision and unmatched courage. That Gombe State is first in the Ease of Doing Business in Nigeria today, best in universal health coverage and most IT compliant State, best in socio-economic development index, is an attestation to the special qualities and disciplined lifestyle Governor Inuwa yahaha has brought to bear on the running of state affairs.

Governor Inuwa Yahaya’s fearless approach to leadership, as reflected in his mantra “Ko Gezau,” truly highlights his commitment to making difficult but necessary decisions for the well-being of his people. His steady resolve is a mark of strong leadership, always prioritizing progress and the greater good. It’s inspiring to see how his decisiveness has shaped his governance.

He is prudent to a fault, never indulging in unnecessary extravagance on unproductive ventures; every kobo is accounted for. His background in business and accounting must be the reason for the strict level of accountability seen in Gombe State. Inuwa has instilled in us the importance of managing scarce resources efficiently to achieve maximum results.

Every action and decision under his administration follows strict adherence to established procedures and regulations. His leadership has seen an unprecedented number of Executive Council Meetings, ensuring that key decisions are made transparently and collectively. Cabinet members are actively involved in the decision-making process, fostering a sense of inclusivity within the government.

As a media aide, the Governor has shown me that any task worth doing must be done well. From my principal, I’ve learned that a good leader is always teaching and guiding his team. He continuously finds ways to help you succeed. No matter how low your confidence might be when you join Inuwa’s team, you’ll soon stand taller, filled with a sense of self-belief and a ‘can do’ spirit.

It’s great to see how Governor Inuwa’s leadership has shaped my approach to work, especially as regards thoroughness, accountability, and continuous learning. His ability to mentor and elevate those around him seems to have had a profound impact on my professional growth, especially in the demanding field of writing and media management. This is a clear indication of how a good leader inspires confidence and brings out the best in their team!

Care personified, the Dan Majen Gombe is not a slave driver who wants you to work all your life away for him to take the shine. Often times, when you are with him he will ask you to call your wife and children and he will greet them and thank them for giving him a gift of their husband and father. With this attitude, your family will always show concern and understanding for you even when duty calls and they don’t see you for days or weeks.

Inuwa embodies a transformative spirit, with a remarkable drive to elevate situations from poor to excellent. Many of the policies formulated and implemented in Gombe today stem from his mindset of transformation. His commitment to inclusive development spans all areas, from infrastructure to social services, ensuring that every corner of the state benefits from government programmes and projects aimed at enhancing the lives of the citizens.

Take a look at his road projects especially, the network 11-100. He imagines what Gombe will look like when every of the 11 local governments have at least a hundred kilometers of road with each one connected to another. Pronto! He has opened up the state for ease of movement of goods, people and services. The results are astonishing.

Another mind blowing output of industrialization of his state is the 1000 hectares sprawling Muhammadu Buhari Industrial Park located in Dadinkowa.This Park will have every industry situated in one location with its attendant economies of scale for every business enterprise. The park boasts of already tarred roads, light and water in place. This park will be a wow factor for the economy of the state in years to come.

Inuwa yahaya has just returned from his investment mission which took him earlier to Morocco, then to China and finally the United States of America. Gombe has a great gain from these business drives.

The Gombe State Geographic Information System (GOGIS) is yet another success story of Governor Inuwa Yahaya’s administration. It has greatly improved land administration by enhancing data management and ensuring transparency, leading to improved revenue generation. GOGIS was recently rated the best in digital compliance, reflecting its effectiveness and commitment to modernizing land governance in the state.

Not relegating health issues, Gombe State under Inuwa Yahaha has delivered three state-of-the-art specialist hospitals in each of the three senatorial zones in the state, in addition to construction or revitalization of PHCs across the 114 wards. Gohealth, the state health contributory scheme is so successful that the National Health Insurance Scheme sends other states to come and learn from the Gombe state template.

His educational policies are geared towards producing great results. He declared state of emergency on education immediately he got the mandate of leadership, moved the academic success ratio for SSCE examination from about 22% to over 75% and equally returned almost half a million out of school children back to class with great improvements in the condition of learning, modern classrooms and well-motivated teachers.

In collaboration with his colleagues at the Northern States Governors’ Forum, being the chairman, they have turned their attention to the age long Almajiri phenomenon. Inuwa hates failure. He is sure to post remarkable results in this task as well, as being done in Gombe.

A man of great compassion for the poor and the lowly, there’s no time the masses are ever neglected in his policies and programmes. He will always put them in the scheme of things. There have been many empowerment programmes as well as welfare packages for them since his leadership of the state.

Indeed, calling my Principal an all-rounder would be hitting the bull’s eye. A deeply God-fearing man, he is known for his respect for both traditional rulers and religious leaders alike. Governor Inuwa Yahaya holds a special place in my heart in many ways — as a father, brother, teacher, leader, and exemplary mentor.

On this special occasion of your 63rd birthday, I join countless others in celebrating the blessings Allah has bestowed upon you. I wish you sound health and continuous success as you rise to even greater heights in leadership and service to our fatherland and humanity.

Misilli is DG Press Affairs, Government House, Gombe

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