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Kaduna finance ministry launches Health Walk to promote work-life balance

In a bid to promote work-life balance and ensure the well-being of its staff, the Ministry of Finance has introduced a new health walk initiative.

The program was officially launched at the Ranchers Bees Stadium, with the Honourable Commissioner of Finance, Hon Shizzer Nasara Bada, flagging off the event.

During her remarks, Hon Bada emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially in light of the recent loss of some staff members earlier this year, including Late Mr. Musa Duniya Mudu and Late Mr. Williams Simon (Yaro).

She highlighted that the health and well-being of employees are paramount and that incorporating regular physical activity is essential for preventing health issues.

Hon Bada further encouraged that the health walks be conducted on a weekly basis, allowing staff members to regularly engage in physical activity and foster a culture of health and wellness within the Ministry.

The health walk was well-received by the staff, who participated enthusiastically, marking the beginning of a new tradition aimed at improving overall health and productivity within the Ministry.

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