There was no report of the sighting of the new moon of Muharram 1442 A.H, according to the National Moonsighting Committee, under the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA).
Accordingly, Thursday 20th August 2020 is Dhul-Hijja 1441 AH, while Friday automatically becomes 1st Muharram, the Muslim New Year of 1442 A.H.
“As at 7:38pm, there was no report of the sighting of the new moon in the country, thus the Sultan did not declare Thursday as the first day of Muharram, New Year 1442 AH.
Related: Hijrah 1442: Kano, Osun declare Thursday public holiday
“This means that tomorrow (Thursday) is 30th Dhul Hijja 1441 and Friday becomes the first Muharram of the New Year,” a member of the NMSC, Sheik Salihu Muhammad Yakub, said in an audio obtained by Dateline Nigeria on Wednesday night.
Earlier, Dateline Nigeria obtained a copy of a statement by Prof. Sambo Wali Junaidu, the Wazirin Sokoto and Chairman, Advisory Committee on Religious Affairs, Sultanate Council, Sokoto, where he said Wednesday, 19th August, 2020, equivalent to 29th Zulhijja 1441AH shall be the day to look for the new moon of Muharram 1442 AH.
Some of us have already gone ahead celebrating and sharing messages of a new hijra year and it is demoralizing to discover that the announcement was not from the appropriate quarters. May Allah guide us aright Misleading information need be aggressively fought in this country.
All the funny little chidlren that keep saying we should not follow Saudi Arabia are the one sharing Happy New Year from their apps and calendars. May God guide us,