
Muslim wedding ceremony is becoming non-Islamic in nature

I begin with the Name of Allaah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

Forgive me if I come across crudely, you might find my tone to be somehow militant but by Allaah, nothing ulterior is intended other than to remind myself first and you of the marital dangers looming in the horizon as a result of our actions. Especially, when it comes to wedding.

It is the unadulterated system of Allaah that, whenever He prohibits a thing, He closes all the avenues that lead to it. The same holds true in all that He has allowed for us. He makes clear all the paths that make it easy.

I am particularly concerned with the nature of how wedding ceremonies are being conducted today by the Muslims. It is very scary how we have allowed ourselves to abandon our rich Islamic culture in favor of a lifestyle that we all know it is not permissible.

I personally see this as a point of departure between those strangers (Ghuraba) that strive to conduct themselves in accordance with the shariah desperate for Allaah’s Rahma and those that are living under the shackles of the 21st century civilization desperate for social recognition.

A people rich in civilization as the Muslims should not be found wanting in ethics and morals. In recent years, Satan has beautified a repugnant act for Muslims who are on the verge of getting married or even the married ones on their “wedding anniversaries”.

objective digression
Honestly, it was few days back that myself and my respected and lovely wife remembered the date of our wedding…. It came and passed and we moved on. We were completely oblivious of the date. It does not define the soundness of a marriage.

An exposure to the new satanic trend in the form of a series of pictures taken by the would-be partners in an un-Islamic style will shift any man with a sane and balanced understanding from his spiritual comfort zone to that of constant anticipation of Allaah’s wrath.

Innocent people out of ‘marital euphoria’ would do anything just to please the society even if it means going against Allaah’s orders.

A true Muslim goes to any length to protect the honor and chastity of his womenfolk but sadly today, some Muslims even derive pleasure in displaying thier women for the world to admire.

And the women are proud to have such husbands whom the Prophet SAW said will not enter Jannah.

An authentic hadith on the strength of Ammar (RA) sends a shiver down my spine. The Prophet (S) said: “A dayyuth will NEVER enter paradise” Muslim. This is a person who’s not jealous of his women folk. He opposes jealousy and displays his wife for every Tom, Dick and Harry to see.

How can a true believer’s spiritual well-being remains healthy when his wife’s picture travels round the world and admired by the good, the bad and the ugly? May Allaah protect us.

The competition of a real believer is in good ways not in disobedience. We are trying to outdo one another in sins. Wedding dinner, what’s supposed to be a decent feast and a get-together is now the backbone of everything opposing Allaah’s orders.

The wedding dressing that our sisters put on is pathetic, unislamic and retrogressive. And to think that their parents sit their to watch them display an open disobedience to Allaah’s orders for a day’s event is shocking and lamentable. To see it as civilization is backwardness.

An all women event where they are not obliged to cover themselves completely as in when there are men in their midst is fairer than this open ungrateful act for a blessing (marriage) that many are praying for.

But with paparazzis all around for the wedding pictures and videos to make headlines, we see marriages deprived of blessings. May Allaah bless our marriages.

Women in tight outfits, exactly as the Prophet (Pbuh) painted their image, mixing freely with strange men with an accompanied music playing at the background inviting the wrath of Allaah and we expect Allah’s blessings in our marriages. What a deliberate contradiction.

Can’t we have a decent marriage? Can’t we think of Allaah’s wrath when planning our wedding events? Are we so blinded and desperate for a 24 hour recognition that we are willing to compromise on our eeman? Who blesses marriages? Is it not Allaah?

Or do the people we consider when we disobey Allaah have the key to our marital bliss and righteous offspring? Think and ponder, wallah! If the foundation of our wedding is built on Allaah’s disobedience then don’t blame Allaah or the society when our children become delinquents.

Do not ruin the life of your children yet unborn. The people we threw up a lavish immoral dinner to impress will be the first to broadcast our marital problems when Allaah removes blessings in our marriages. So decide who to please now.


Kissing each other on stage in front of the world under the guise of “We are married” is unislamic, not permissible and we must try our best not to do so. May Allaah forgive our shortcomings. Please your wedding is just for a day, marriage is for life….. Be smart!

It is not permissible for a man or a woman to speak to anyone else of what happens between them in bed which no one else should see but them. This has to do with one who speaks about what he did with his wife, so how about one who does things in front of people where they can see him.

May Allaah give us partners that will hold us and drag us with utmost care to Jannah not those that know nothing beyond the material world.

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