
Why Abuja is experiencing power outages – AEDC

The Abuja Electricity Distribution Plc has explained to its customers why the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) is experiencing power outages.

In an update by the AEDC managing director Adeoye Fadeyibi on Saturday, the company also informed the customers on supply improvement interventions with 40 quick win projects underway.

Read Also: Why customers are experiencing epileptic power supply, by Kaduna Electric

“We, the management of Abuja Electricity Plc acknowledge the terrible and persistent poor state of electricity supply to your various homes and offices. We honestly feel your pains and trauma, and we plead for your continued understanding, while not absolving ourselves of our responsibilities.

We are working in concert with other industry partners and stakeholders to address the broader problems of low generation and systems instability.

We also write to intimate you our dear Customers of some quick-win intervention projects that we as Abuja Electricity have specifically recently undertaken with the sole objective of quickly improving supply of power to our franchise area.

First amongst this is the fact that we are in various stages of discussions with some Power developers capable of giving us, within a few months, a good level of embedded power generation to boost and complement whatever else we get from the National Grid, this is especially for the purposes of improving supply to Metropolitan FCT.

Additionally, aside the low generation being experienced nationwide, we at AEDC have embarked upon some 40 quick wiN PROJECTS that are geared towards rehabilitating our network and thereby increase availability and customer satisfaction. They range from deloading the over loaded feeders, Purchase of 81 new Distribution transformers and repair of 78 no existing Distribution transformers. We are also carrying out major maintenance on 34 Power transformers

We assure you again that our sincere and much desired goal is to provide you with acceptable levels of power always. Our collective effort as a management team in the pursuit of this goal is not limited only to the above-mentioned interventions. We seek everyday new ways to achieve this objective very quickly and efficiently. And we commit to you that in a matter of weeks to a few months (staggered), depending on the duration of these different projects, the power supply situation overall will be significantly improved.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to strive towards meeting your expectations in having world class power supply in the Abuja franchise area.

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