
We must occupy ungoverned areas to address insecurity, Gov Radda says

The Katsina State Governor, Dikko Radda, has stressed the need for the government to occupy and reduce ungoverned areas, manage the Porous borders and kill corruption which he believes could assist greatly in addressing the prevailing insecurity in the country.

The governor made the statement while delivering the Pre-Convocation Lecture at the Federal University in Gusau ahead of its second combined third and fourth convocation ceremony.

He highlighted illiteracy, ignorance, marginalization, poor leadership, religious intolerance and drug abuse as some of the major causes of insecurity bedeviling the country and impacting negatively education advancement.

Banditry has had a detrimental impact on the educational landscape in North-west Nigeria, severely disrupting the region’s school systems.

In states like Zamfara, Kaduna and Katsina, several schools have been forced to shut down due to the threat of attacks and abductions.

Governor Radda said that mass abduction of school children and displacement resulted in a large number of children of school age without access to education which inhibits the progress and development of the country.

He called on institution administrators to build perimeter fences around schools to prevent abduction.

The governor noted that school children in Kaduna, Katsina and Zamfara States in the North-West have continued to be victims of bandits’ attacks and abductions for ransom, as kidnapping has become a criminal enterprise.

The Vice Chancellor of the Federal University, Gusau, Professor Muazu Abubakar, said the choice of the Pre-Convocation Lecture: Insecurity and Education Instability in Nigeria: Way Out, was to educate the university community, and Nigerians on insecurity and the need to find lasting solutions to the menace which is impacting adversely on education.

The Pre-Convocation Lecture was attended by Governor Dauda Lawal of Zamfara State, senior State government officials and members of the academic community. (Channels Television)

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